Free eBook
Making a Business Case for eLearning
The Octet of Must-Haves

Effortlessly win senior management's support by making a persuasive pitch for eLearning
Develop a robust business case using reliable data, concrete facts, and pertinent information to effectively highlight the benefits of eLearning.
Our eBook explores:
- Growing adoption of eLearning
- Applications of eLearning for different training topics
- Organizational readiness you need to have
- Cost parameters you need to consider
- Implementation strategies to get started
Reap the rewards of eLearning, ensuring your investment pays off and secures a brighter future.
Adopting learning facilitated through technology is a huge project and requires a lot of discussion and analysis. When considering eLearning adoption, management and stakeholders demand strong and solid evidence.
So, convincing them and getting them onboard is a tough job as they might not understand the training problems and the utility of eLearning.
But worry not, this eBook is all you need to learn to make the right business case to accurately present information and get a positive response.